Although Queensland really can be ‘beautiful one day and perfect the next’, as with any major city centre, those that relocate to seek their fortune, or escape a past pain do not always succeed. Caravan Parks in such areas, lack that certain holiday feel with many permanent residents. Everyone seems wary of each other, double checking locks and securing sites.... I don’t recommend staying in a Caravan Park on the Gold Coast, but I do recommend lunch at Nobby’s Beach Surf Club!
It was there that we met with ex Sydney friends Bern and Gary, for a lazy lunch overlooking the beach. The Surf Clubs ‘up here’ are quite flash, serving alcohol and restaurant quality fare.
Old friends, Blake, Sharee, Bob, Me and Pat
Another thirty kilometres up the road we found some more old friends, Bob and Pat and their daughter Sharee, whom I had grown up with. Away from the hustle and bustle of Sydney, they sure have found paradise in a Bali inspired house, on the sloping bank of the river. Greeting the new day with breakfast in the ‘hut’ beside the pool, accompanied by a swim...... yes please.
Known for its beaches, the Queensland Coast caters to us sun lovers. With the recent huge swells having subsided, Coolum Beach was a great interlude before reaching Noosa and more friends. I like Coolum. It is an easy place. Beach on one side and strip of shops and cafe’s on the other. However, our memory Coolum will always be Mr Frog. Having bought a lettuce from a roadside stall a week prior, we were using the last of the leaves, when he was discovered in the bag. The cold of the fridge had sent him into hibernation, but as the air warmed his body, he began to blink his eyes. He had travelled with us from the hinterland region, and we were not sure if he would survive in his new beachside address.
Mr Frog, lived in our fridge for a week
Goodbye Froggy, hello Tewantin (Noosa). Our friend Amanda was joining us for a week, so we all set up home in number 21- a Cabin in the Caravan Park. Having flown business class, and looking rather too posh for our set up (hee hee), we soon settled her in with some cask wine and Jatz crackers.
Amanda and I outside 'No 21'
Being back in Noosa was a bittersweet feeling. We were last here at the beginning of our adventure, our senses soaking up the beauty, our mind buzzing with the anticipation of the journey ahead. We are now on the last leg of our journey, a lifetime of memories behind us and a little desensitised to the beauty of ‘another’ beach.
However, with the water temp spot on and the Pandanus Palms gently swaying in the breeze, a swim at Noosa Beach eases away the worries. There are many apartment buildings lining the shore, but with a height of only 3 storeys, and large areas locked away as National Park, there is still a natural beauty to behold. Sometimes though, nature can get a little too friendly. I didn’t really like the ‘huge’ fish in the ocean brushing past, the bush turkeys wanting to inspect my towel or the cream coloured little crabs that thought my armpit was a good spot to dig a burrow.
Sunset on Noosa River, great BBQ spot
However, we all liked the lanky old Koala spotted during our headland walk. Stoned on a diet of eucalyptus leaves he made a vague effort to focus on us as his limbs stretched out, securing a more comfy position in the bow of a tree.
Koala spotted on headland walk, Noosa
The bird life is quite prolific around Noosa too. As flocks of Corella’s and Lorikeets flew in to perch in the ‘riverside tree hotel’ for the night, we were grateful they obeyed quiet time rules. The screeching and squawking finally gave way as coupled up, they nestled in for the night.
'Big' Pelican, Noosa River
The hinterland region surrounding Noosa was lush and green after many weeks of rain. The journey to Eumundi providing some of the best scenery on offer, was superseded by thoughts of what bargains were awaiting. Eumundi Markets really are the best in Australia and never disappoint.
Montville, high up in the hinterland is a quaint little town, but is big on views and gourmet delights. Dave’s cousin and family, more ex Sydney-ites, have set up home here. Nestled in a valley, green after endless rain, the view from the house is one you never tire of. Bubbling creek, rolling hills and a smattering of cows thrown in to complete the picture.
Casper, Olly, Buster the dog and I at their home, Montville
After a week of sun and giggles with Amanda, we bade her farewell. Having had her fill of beach, it was back to Melbourne. We all got to relive a beach memory from childhood- being dumped. The waves were big at Sunshine Beach, around the headland from Noosa, but we were swimming between the flags. How vivid that memory of terror as the waves pummelled, tossing us about with reckless abandon, depositing us on shore shaken, sandy and out of breath.
With the Easter Bunny soon to arrive, along with hordes of tourists, we have settled into Robyn and David’s house. Friends of Dave’s from Sydney, we had caught up with them on our previous visit. Their friendliness and hospitality made it a must to stop by again and the comfy bed may be one we never want to leave....... Noosa sure sucks you into her vortex........
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