Cable Beach
After a few days lying on the white sands of Cable Beach, we discovered the red dirt road to Reddell Beach. This beach is not signposted although only a few kilometres from the famous Cable Beach. How different we found the surroundings though. The red dirt giving way to the golden sands we are more familiar with. This beach is not as frequented as Cable Beach and throughout the day, we only counted 5 other people. The wildlife was more abundant than humans!
Reddell Beach is great for beachcombing, however be careful with the shells that you pick up. Each one is home to a cute hermit crab. We were both amused by watching countless shells walk along the sand.
Hermit crabs eating lunch
But it was the sight of another shelled creature that disturbed us. Washed ashore was a flatback turtle, who had obviously had an encounter with a shark. She had two flippers that had been brutally ripped off, leaving her weak and unable to dive to the safety of the ocean floor. We monitored her throughout the day, but we don’t think she was long for this world.
However, our day ended on a far happier note. We have seen many whales out to sea, the sprout of water giving them away. But, today we were in for a real treat. Watching the sprout of water, we noticed it would then disappear completely. This was due to the whales diving down deep in order to then project themselves from the water! Two whales delighted in entertaining us by constantly breaching. Such an amazing sight to see. It was also an amazing sight to hear- the slap of the beast hitting the water reaching us a couple of seconds after the splash.
Whales out to sea
We are coming up to a year on the road, and whilst we have seen so much and have many fond memories, life still feels as if it has only just begun. After 35,000 km’s to date, we have no plans to stop or settle down just yet. Lucky we still have so much of this island to see and adventures to have.
Many people ask us how long we will be on the road, but for now our plans extend to the day ahead only. Whatever will be, will be. Today we are not off to the beach, for it is Dave’s birthday and we have made a booking at the award winning Thai Restaurant for a long lunch. We are both looking forward to a lunch out and celebrating this day.
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