As we are still enjoying the delights of living in a house, I began to ponder what we have learnt over our now 6&1/2 months of travel. We have really been getting on well and the enormous amount of time spent together has meant we have really got to know each other, in a relaxed atmosphere. But here is what we have learnt:
• Country town op shops have the best gear and labels. I have bought a couple of tops- both under $2.50
• Country people speak through their teeth to avoid eating flies
• Country people love a chat (I guess they have the time for such)
• Country towns still have ‘real’ antique/ bric a brac finds cheap. We have enjoyed many hours wading through eclectic collections. You could spend months scouring country towns and setting up shop in Sydney for a great profit
• Caravan Park laundry’s are a great magazine and book exchange- all free
• Buying food from road side stalls and supermarket markdowns, is a very cheap way to feed ourselves
• Halls Gap (Grampians, VIC) has the most expensive supermarket to date
• Eungella (inland from Mackay, QLD) has the best platypus sighting
• Eumundi Markets (near Noosa, QLD) are the best markets, with an amazing array of produce, arts, crafts, clothing, bric a brac and imported wares
• Favourite National Park is Mt Field (north of Hobart, TAS). Such diversity- almost 4 national parks in one with an abundance of wildlife
• It never rains in Victoria, endless sunny days
• Best coffee is still be had at Cafe Fioro, Pitt Street, Sydney
• Baby boomers own the roads Monday to Friday, 10am to 2pm. We all belong to an exclusive club as we wave to each other on the road
• We don’t like 4WD’ing unless necessary
• GPS’s have a very sensitive touch screen (we have just had to buy our second GPS)
• Everyone seems to have lived in Sydney at some stage in their lives
• Australia is HUGE
• Not all doctors whip you in and out of an appointment
Now, that last point needs some explaining........... Dave and I made an appointment with a local Doctor for check-ups, ensuring we were fit and equipped for our sojourn into the Never Never. I went in first and had the usual blood pressure etc checked. I explained that we were travelling and can sometimes lack energy. Now this doctor, just happens to be a self proclaimed leader in overcoming anxiety, which in turn leads to increased energy, anti aging, weight loss and more! He then proceeded to explain, at length, that he had discovered and researched a natural supplement that was the answer to basically a long and healthy life! I began to get a little sceptical..........
The supplement is called Inositol. It is found naturally in corn, oats, nuts, seeds, legumes, rockmelon and citrus. It can also be bought, in powder form, from selected Health Food Stores. He recommended that I eat the above mentioned foods, as well as taking a level teaspoon of the supplement a day. I would then have the following ‘miracles’ happen:
• Anti ageing- I will look younger for my years
• 3-5 kilos of weight loss
• Muscles will develop
• Any cravings for chocolate or chips will cease
• Clarity of mind
• Feeling of calmness
And some other effects I have forgotten. I oohed and aahed in all the right places, basically to end the lengthy appointment. I did giggle to myself, I could imagine the conversation that Chemical Engineer Dave and he would surely have next.
Forty minutes into Dave’s consultation the receptionist buzzed to remind the doctor that there were other patients waiting. I think Dave and Doc could have discussed Inositol all afternoon.
Inositol is not an easy supplement to find, with many Health food Stores not stocking it. Some that do only stock the Musashai brand, which is very expensive. Our ever so thoughtful doc told us where we could score. I say score as I felt he was becoming our drug dealer- he offered to help us out if we couldn’t find any.
Anyway, with all those amazing claims, Dave and I have decided to give it a ‘trial’. The Natural Health brand Inositol was only $25 for 150 grams. We should start to feel some good effects in 3 days, and amazing by day 7. I shall be sure to let you know the results of our ‘trial’.
Town Hall during the Comedy Festival- the area is alive and buzzing
We seem to be having our own comedy moments, without the many shows we are frequenting. We have now seen Judith Lucy, very funny for those of us approaching 40(however Doc says we will now never look a day over 37 with Inositol!). However, we could both relate to her ‘getting older’ challenges and health issues.
The Best of the Edinburgh, comprised 3 artists. Being a Canadian, Irishman and Englishman, I was expecting them to walk into a bar.......... (OK not a very funny joke). Australians enjoy a good laugh at themselves, and their observations of us, certainly had the audience in stitches.
The best show to date has been the English comedian, Steve Coogan. He is very famous in the UK, and I can see why. He is a very talented- singing, portraying different characters and is very funny to boot.
The boys at cousin Andrew's place
We are still here for just under a week and will be catching some more cheap comedy shows, mixed in with a smattering of social events. We have enjoyed many a dinner or drink out with friends and relatives in Melbourne. It will certainly be time to hit the road recover!
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