I have to admit that I am not that much enamoured with Brisbane. Having taken the ferry down the river, traipsed through New Farm, Fortitude Valley and Queen Street, it 
Dave has let himself go....
really seems that Brisbane is lacking a ‘vibe’. The riverbanks are devoid of cafes, bars and atmosphere. The city is somewhere bare, even in school holiday time, and the shopping strips are rather ‘short’. I have heard Brisbane referred to as a ‘big country town’- perhaps Dave has heard this too- he has taken to walking around town in a cowboy hat and giving me a wink cowboy style. With his uncut hair and sculptured facial fuzz, he looks like a different guy too!
However, it is not all bad. Kirrily, Dave and I took off to Mt Tambourine on Monday. The hinterland regions of NSW and QLD are some of our favourite areas. As we climbed further up the mountain, the scenery became more beautiful. We picked up our friend Roland, who moved here 4 weeks ago, and took off for a walk to the falls. After the exercise Roland took us to ‘The polish Place’. Now this is truly how a Monday should be spent- the view from ‘The polish Place’
Mt Tambourine, Dave, Kiz, me and Roland
is breathtaking. As far as the eye can see is a plentiful valley, rimmed by a mountain range. As we sipped our 600mL polish beer we watched lorikeets playing above and strong muscular horses below.
Roland then took us to a pub on the other side of the road, and we now had a view as far as the coast, breathtaking in its own right. The St Bernard Hotel,
View from Mt Tambourine to the Gold Coast
came complete with Leo- the resident St Bernard, to say he is huge is an understatement!! Definitely much bigger than Kirrily & Marks dogs...........
Aaah- "Mika" and "Razu". Both are Japansese hunting dogs- Shiba’s. Mika has issues- perhaps she hasn’t gotten over starting life living in (Fountain Gate) Forest Lake . She needs some serious therapy- or Prozac. Razu is still only a puppy, and very cute. He has developed a fetish for my feet, and any item associated with my feet. I have bought new slippers, which are also to his liking. It is so hard to be angry with one so cute, so as he chews my feet, I just smile. At least Kirrily is better behaved, in fact I recommend this ‘accommodation’ to anyone- cups of tea in bed in the morning, a glass
Kiz and Razu
of wine and home cooked dinner of an evening.
Tomorrow Kiz, Dave, Roland and I are off for a spot of tennis, followed by lunch- how else should a Friday be spent? Mark is back from Hawaii on Saturday, so we will have a few days with him and Kiz before we depart on Tuesday for Bribie Island.
Dave has let himself go....
really seems that Brisbane is lacking a ‘vibe’. The riverbanks are devoid of cafes, bars and atmosphere. The city is somewhere bare, even in school holiday time, and the shopping strips are rather ‘short’. I have heard Brisbane referred to as a ‘big country town’- perhaps Dave has heard this too- he has taken to walking around town in a cowboy hat and giving me a wink cowboy style. With his uncut hair and sculptured facial fuzz, he looks like a different guy too!
However, it is not all bad. Kirrily, Dave and I took off to Mt Tambourine on Monday. The hinterland regions of NSW and QLD are some of our favourite areas. As we climbed further up the mountain, the scenery became more beautiful. We picked up our friend Roland, who moved here 4 weeks ago, and took off for a walk to the falls. After the exercise Roland took us to ‘The polish Place’. Now this is truly how a Monday should be spent- the view from ‘The polish Place’
Mt Tambourine, Dave, Kiz, me and Roland
is breathtaking. As far as the eye can see is a plentiful valley, rimmed by a mountain range. As we sipped our 600mL polish beer we watched lorikeets playing above and strong muscular horses below.
Roland then took us to a pub on the other side of the road, and we now had a view as far as the coast, breathtaking in its own right. The St Bernard Hotel,
View from Mt Tambourine to the Gold Coast
came complete with Leo- the resident St Bernard, to say he is huge is an understatement!! Definitely much bigger than Kirrily & Marks dogs...........
Aaah- "Mika" and "Razu". Both are Japansese hunting dogs- Shiba’s. Mika has issues- perhaps she hasn’t gotten over starting life living in (Fountain Gate) Forest Lake . She needs some serious therapy- or Prozac. Razu is still only a puppy, and very cute. He has developed a fetish for my feet, and any item associated with my feet. I have bought new slippers, which are also to his liking. It is so hard to be angry with one so cute, so as he chews my feet, I just smile. At least Kirrily is better behaved, in fact I recommend this ‘accommodation’ to anyone- cups of tea in bed in the morning, a glass

Kiz and Razu
of wine and home cooked dinner of an evening.
Tomorrow Kiz, Dave, Roland and I are off for a spot of tennis, followed by lunch- how else should a Friday be spent? Mark is back from Hawaii on Saturday, so we will have a few days with him and Kiz before we depart on Tuesday for Bribie Island.
1 comment:
Poor lil Razu. He was quite depressed for the first few nights after you and your sneakers, slippers, socks, feet, and of course quaccas left. The little munchkin has taken to chewing on my tootsies of an evening and has already destroyed a pair of my havianas. Luckily I have another dozen or so pairs.
Thanks to the two of you for sticking it out in brisbaine for an extended period. It was really lovely to spend quality time with good friends, unlike the usual quickie drunkard w/e friends come up from. I'm now on a strict diet to loose the 10 or so kgs i piled on.
It was great to see the two of you so relaxed. Especially Leisa who has really let herself go (in a good way) and has slipped in to the greying nomad lifestyle with a bit too much ease. I was quite jealous each morning as I left for work and was far too cheefully farewelled by the two, perched in bed with their coffees and teas. I havent laughed that much in ages.
Also thanks to both of you for all your help around the place. Dave for your gardening and plumbuing skills. And Leisa for setting up the library and general domestic duties. And a big thank you for the beautiful native plants you gave us as a house warming pressie.
Your welcome anytime as you know and we'll see you in a month for another couple of weeks :)
Enjoy and stay safe.
Love Kizzxx
PS. Dave, I never smelled fish but I did detect cabbage. And Leis, I've found another spelling mistake. Ha ha!!
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