The Big Banana, still the same from childhood
I have just awoken from my afternoon nap, here at Byron. Now before you groan, it is the first afternoon nap I have taken since we began our frolic around Oz. Our days have been filled to the brim, our eyes feasting on the sights, our legs getting more use than the pistons of our BT-50. And a damm fine nap it was too. I am still amazed at how comfy our home is. Here at Byron, I feel far superior, as we are surrounded by flimsy tents and tiny huts made from a cloth material. The age group is a little more in our range too...........
I was beginning to feel ‘Camper Envy’ at our previous camps. We were clearly the smallest on the block, and lacking many home comforts, such as a table cloth and doily. I kid you not- one camper I was invited into was decked out with a table complete with cloth, doily and fake plant, blow heater, microwave, juicer, scones baking in the oven (they were delicious), wall pictures and teddy sitting proudly on a bed the size of a small nation, among many other trimmings!
Therefore I promptly went out and bought two placemats, so we could also be ‘civilised’ at dinner. Now everytime we eat, we can think of our visit to the Big Banana (yep our placements have the ‘Big Banana’ on them). I plan to get some kitsch coasters from the next tourist spot to match- look out the ‘Big Pineapple’!
We are here at Byron for a week- a time to really relax and let the stresses of city life melt away in the warm sun. It is also nice not to be on the move. It is easy to see why the Grey Nomads have made such a name for themselves- caravans, motorhomes and campers truly own the Pacific Highway between 10am and 2pm, Monday to Friday. We find ourselves nodding at every second vehicle, fellow travellers who have also discovered the secret of life- LIVING!
1 comment:
Ah Leis, i knew it, you were on the wrong "side" all those years. what a well-written blog! very entertaining. your time in byron sounds lovely. don't forget to keep good old shepp on the long list of places to visit (where else will you get to see Mooving Art - fake painted cows that dot the city!!!!)
take care and safe driving to you and Dave, Terri
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