House packed up- check
Affairs in order- check
Farewell to say goodbye to friends- check
It is only days until Dave and I putt off at 50kms an hour into the wild blue yonder, however it still does not feel real. We had farewell drinks on Saturday and I received some lovely gifts- when I was handed the first gift, I didn't really know what it was for, then it hit me- I am leaving, it was MY farewell. Perhaps guests also realised I don't think it is real yet- when asked our itinerary I had to refer to Dave- I honestly had no idea where we were going first, or second..... or third...... you get my point. All I knew was I had to get in the ute, and point out any pedestrians he may hit (just call me Mrs Bucket- pronounced Bouquet).
Anyway- our first port of call is Northbridge- just 10 minutes up the road. Actually staying in a friends house. Mmmm- second port of call- San Remo- about an hour and half up the road. Staying with my brother. In his house. Am I in denial? Come Leisa you are 'camping'. Never fear, we are then off...... to a camping ground........ for 2 nights........ in Umina. After a couple more 'camping ground' stops we then hit the bright lights of BrisVegas, and will be staying at another friends house.... phew. Out comes the GHD and Louis Vitton....... maybe this new 'lifestyle' will take a little getting used to!
Affairs in order- check
Farewell to say goodbye to friends- check
It is only days until Dave and I putt off at 50kms an hour into the wild blue yonder, however it still does not feel real. We had farewell drinks on Saturday and I received some lovely gifts- when I was handed the first gift, I didn't really know what it was for, then it hit me- I am leaving, it was MY farewell. Perhaps guests also realised I don't think it is real yet- when asked our itinerary I had to refer to Dave- I honestly had no idea where we were going first, or second..... or third...... you get my point. All I knew was I had to get in the ute, and point out any pedestrians he may hit (just call me Mrs Bucket- pronounced Bouquet).
Anyway- our first port of call is Northbridge- just 10 minutes up the road. Actually staying in a friends house. Mmmm- second port of call- San Remo- about an hour and half up the road. Staying with my brother. In his house. Am I in denial? Come Leisa you are 'camping'. Never fear, we are then off...... to a camping ground........ for 2 nights........ in Umina. After a couple more 'camping ground' stops we then hit the bright lights of BrisVegas, and will be staying at another friends house.... phew. Out comes the GHD and Louis Vitton....... maybe this new 'lifestyle' will take a little getting used to!
This is a test
Hey Leisa
I love love love that picture of you in the safari outfit. Who ever did that is BRILLIANT!
love nat s
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